Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well, there was no napping, cat or otherwise. Griffith just can not stand to miss out on anything and refuses to go down. He spent a lot time this afternoon trying to figure out how to crawl. The pictures don't do it justice, but our pride and joy can get up on his hands and knees, but he can't quite figure out how to get his big ol' head up at the same time. There was much grunting and groaning and general frustration but no forward progress. I know that a good parent would be actively encouraging her child to crawl and helping him figure the process out, but we really aren't quite up to a mobile Griffith and if it takes him an additional week or so to work it out on his own, so be it. That gives us a little more time to prepare. Jay put down a rug in the dining room this afternoon and we got one for the living room and the nursery, too. Throwing down blankets just isn't going to work for very long. And it is time to dig out the cabinet locks and electrical outlet plugs. Baby-proofing needs to begin in earnest.
Allan has had a good afternoon. Our child who acted like he didn't know he had hands has been batting at his fishes all afternoon. And shoving his hands in his mouth. And clasping them to his chest. And, while he isn't quite as vocal as his brother, he has been talking all afternoon. Sometimes in response to his brother talking which is pretty funny.
Both of the boys go for an eye exam tomorrow morning. Allan for a post-op follow-up and Griffith for his 6 month check up. Then, on Wednesday, Griffith goes for the NICU graduate clinic. I wonder if he will do better than Allan did or if he, too, will have performance anxiety?