Monday, February 12, 2007

Allan continues his usual behavior. The speech therapist was supposed to be here at 8:15. Allan was up at 7 and he was in good form -- kicking, talking, squawking. He 'gawked" and 'bbbbbb'ed and squealed for an hour. He was reaching out and whacking the Leap Frog table-thing-a-ma-bobby and making it sing the alphabet in Spanish and English. By the time she arrived, however, he was fading fast. As per his usual, he fell asleep sitting up in my lap well before we got any significant evaluation. Still, she offered an explanation for the issues with bananas. Apparently bananas are very creamy and coat the mouth and throat and babies with breathing issues don't like that feeling. Carrots and beans and such are more watery and clear the mouth much more quickly. So, no more bananas. That took care of that.
I know that the therapists must think that I am making it up, but, honestly, Griffith gets Allan all worked up. Griffith decided that something wasn't suiting and started howling. Allan frowned, clearly hearing Griff. Then a minute or two later, you guessed it, Allan started howling. Exactly like Griff. Same tone, same sounds. If he had said "me, too" it couldn't have been any more clear. Great just what we need - two of them. What one doesn't think of the other one will.