Sunday, February 11, 2007

The boys are having a pretty good weekend. A little disappointed at the result of the UK-Florida game, but encouraged at the same time.
Allan ate a mess of carrots yesterday and I managed to slime a fair amount on to, around and possibly in to Griffith, too. He really is not interested in eating from a spoon at all. Bottles are easier, I guess.
Griffith keeps reaching out with one or the other of his hands as he is balancing in pre-crawl position. Unfortunately his balance isn't very refined and he keeps toppling over and bonking his noggin on the floor. If he doesn't get this sorted out soon we may have to get the kid a helmet.
Have I mentioned that Allan has two more teeth? The top two have now come through. He isn't going to let Griffith catch up with him on that. Allan is like one of those Mexican wolf babies -- all hair and teeth. (A very cute Mexican wolf baby.)
It is going to be a big week for Allan. Tomorrow he meets his speech therapist (to help with his feeding issues mainly.) Tuesday the physical therapist comes to evaluate him and develop a plan of action. Wednesday, both boys go back to the pediatrician to have their RSV shots and get weighed and measured.
Oh, and the guys are going to be the March of Dimes Ambassador babies for the local campaign so you may see them in the paper. They are going to lead the walk on April 28th. Once we know more, we will be contacting many of you about walking/running, getting a team together. What have you. If we are going down, we are taking as many of you with us as we can.