Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just wait until your father gets home

So Griffith and I have been hanging out in the kitchen for about a half hour now. Daddy and Allan are in the living room and they don't know what they are missing. We are watching the washer. It is really the most fascinating thing you can imagine. Things tumble around and around and, right now, we are in the final spin cycle and it makes a most marvelous noise. We are going for a load of whites or colors next. Maximize the excitement. Plus, Griff is using the shelves to the right of the stove for balancing. The second shelf is the perfect height to cling to while balanced on his knees. He has progressed so far as to get one foot in position to stand but the balancing required to get the other underneath is too much for the moment. (And Mom keeps grabbing him to keep him from falling and bonking his head on the floor. That doesn't help, either. )
Griffith had a big day yesterday. Two of his girlfriends came by and he wore himself out putting on a show - he crawled, he stood, he coughed, he giggled, he banged his head in frustration. Twice. He played so hard that he took not one, but two naps for Flora today.
Dad got back late from work tonight so it was just me and the boys for a while. We took a long walk and then played in the floor. Allan decided (unwisely I think) to pick a fight with his brother. Now, remember, Griffith is mobile and Allan is not. He can roll from side to side, but that's it for the moment (Griff's mobility and curiousity may do more than any therapy in inspiring Allan to get a move on.) Tonight Griffith crawled over to take a look at his brother and Allan, unprovoked (I saw the whole thing), reached up with his left hand and shoved his brother in the face. From there it was on. Griffith smashing Allan in the face, Allan swatting at his brother and rolling over to face away from him. Both whining and howling intermittently. Just wait until your father gets home.