Thursday, March 22, 2007

So maybe it was unkind to post that picture of Griffith, but, really, you should see what we have to deal with. That particular meltdown (as opposed to the other eleventy-seven that occurred yesterday) resulted from the fact that he spotted his bottle warming and decided that he had to have it. RIGHT NOW. This despite the fact that he wasn't fussing for dinner before he saw it. I was just trying to get ahead of the game. Better luck next time.
Allan had PT this morning and Miss Julie was very pleased with how quickly he has progressed. He was holding things in both hands and clanking them together which is a new trick for him and, apparently, some sort of developmental milestone. He's doing very well with sitting up with just a minimum of assistance, too. He seems to be working on a new tooth because we can hardly get him to take his hand out of his mouth. I guess he thinks he has to stay ahead of Griffith on that score. Griff, by the way, has sprouted two new teeth - the upper canines have come through. He looks like a little-bitty vampire. An ill-tempered, little-bitty vampire.