Saturday, September 15, 2007

The boys have had a big, fun weekend. Griffith decided that it would be really fun to be up from 5 until 6 this morning. Mom and Dad weren't quite on board with that plan, but there really didn't seem to be much that they could do about it. The "up" side is that Griff slept until nearly 9:30. Big Al didn't last that long (of course!) but that just meant that he got to snuggle solo with Mom and Dad for a while. His hair was standing straight up like a cock's comb. Just call him Rock-a-Doodle. It is a very Elvis/Jerry Lee Lewis style. Fortunately he's cute enough to pull it off.

The weather turned yesterday so, last night, Momma made a run to target to get some long-sleeved shirts for the fellas. Dad was well-pleased that they were little rugby shirts. Rumor has it that Grandma and Grampy are bringing some real rugby kits when they come later this week.

Momma and the boys went for a big run this morning, ending up at the farmer's market and the bakery. Every week there are fewer vendors, fewer veggies, more apples and gourds. Still, the boys really take the whole experience in -- checking out the people and the dogs (what is it about people with dogs and the farmer's market?)

Allan fell prey to the charms of the stroller and slept for quite a while. He was so worn out that he stayed that way, even after we got home.

Griffith wouldn't miss a thing, but, once we got home, he crashed for about an hour. It was one of those rare, precious moments when both boys were napping at the same time.

Uncle Tim and Cousin Thomas stopped by and Griff woke up in time to show off a bit for them.

Then Dad took the boys to the pub to watch the England/South Africa rugby match (apparently SA kicked England's butt). The boys did very well on their first pub outing. This could be the start of something regular. From there, the boys moved on to tailgating before the big football game. It was a very macho afternoon. After a little of that, Mom came and brought the boys home while Dad progressed on to the game.

Right now Allan is out (sweet little guy fell asleep on the floor with me jostling him with my foot because I was holding Griff who REFUSED to go to sleep.) How the little demon managed to keep his eyes open is beyond me. Griffith is out after having spit up all over himself, the crib and the floor.

Home team is up right now with just 28 seconds left. Here's hoping they don't screw it up..... they do have a history of that. Just as well that the boys are asleep.