Sunday, September 09, 2007

Aunt Jane has some babies

That's what Aunt Lee's little girl, Katie, has to say about the situation, Aunt Jane has SOME babies...
and fine ones they are.
The whole team got up on Saturday morning and jogged down to the farmer's market. Mom pushed on the way down (it is all the way uphill back so she left that for Dad to do.) We got tomatoes and basil and corn and an eggplant and then headed over to the bakery for a baguette and some fresh mozzarella. We had waited so late to start out that it was nearly lunchtime so we ran up to the Roots and Heritage festival and got polish sausages. The sausages were good, but, for reason, they dressed them with onions and ground beef (want some meat with your meat). Oh, well. By the time we got home, got cleaned and got fed, none of us were in the mood to do much of anything. It was hot and sticky (again) so we stayed close to the a/c. Dad and the boys watched a little football and golf. Mom got a nap in.

Griff learned a new trick: Allan-tipping. It is very like cow-tipping only with his brother. Allan would be sitting, minding his own business and Griff would crawl up behind him or beside him and give a big shove and knock him over. Then Griff would look around as if to say, did you see that?? He just fell over. Allan did not find this terribly amusing. It wasn't funny, but it was hard not to laugh. He would do it so fast that you couldn't really get there in time to intervene. To Allan's credit when Griff tried to do it from behind, he would get his hands down and wouldn't budge. He just doesn't have the balance to resist the side or frontal assault yet.

Mom and Dad headed out to a wedding last night so Miss Miranda came and took care of the boys. She must have done a good job because they slept pretty well last night. They even slept in a little this morning. Or Allan did at least. Since Dad got up more during the night, Mom got up with Griff at 7. I was hoping that he would take a bottle, snuggle for a bit and then go back to sleep but it was not to be. Still, 7 isn't bad. So we snuggled and played until Dad and Allan came down. Dad needed to put a new gate on the front porch so that we can let Griff roam free-range so Mom and the fellas went for a run (neither of them like the sound of the drill, but Griff has a real go-to-pieces whenever he runs it). It was so unexpectedly nice (no humidity) that we ran for an hour. Allan and Griff were both asleep by the end of the run, but Mom couldn't go any more. There is no way to get them from the stroller in to the house without waking them so, we walked for another 20 minutes or so until it started raining and we had to head back.

This afternoon Miss Lee and Katie came over to play. Katie is almost 2 and a combination of Allan and Griffith -- she has the coloring and eyelashes of Allan and the attitude of Griffith. They all got along surprisingly well considering that they are are used to getting their own individual ways. Katie was most interested in baby poo and both boys accomodated by needing a change while she was here. We aim to please around here.

Griff continued his attacks on Allan. While Jay and I were making lunch, we turned our backs on the fellows only to hear "THUD." Allan had toppled over in the middle of the floor and Griffith was lurking suspiciously close by with a very guilty look on his face. There was dead silence for about a 3 count and then, as Allan started to wail, Griff let out with "heh-heh-heh-heh-heh." I had to turn my back and laugh. Ornery little twerp. Don't feel too sorry for Allan, though, later this afternoon he managed to kick Griffith in the stomach with both feet and knock him to the ground. And then he laughed. It may take him awhile, but he'll get Griffith in the end.