Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hair and now...

Well, we did it. Allan got his hair cut on Saturday morning. Griff did, too, but his was more symbolic than anything. Allan fell asleep on the way to Jeanne's and stayed that way throughout the cut which probably worked as well as any thing else would have. He sat, limp as a noodle in my lap while Jeanne worked around one side to the other. Then we flopped him on my shoulder so that we could get to the back. He is still as cute as a button, but he doesn't look like a baby any more. He looks like a little boy.

Griffith was quite intrigued by the whole process and wanted to make sure he didn't miss a bit of it. He even climbed up in my lap to see what exactly was going on with his brother. When it came for his turn, though, he refused to cooperate. I got one curl off the top for the scrapbook and then we called it a day. He was not going to go along with it and since he didn't really need one, there really didn't seem to be any reason to antagonize him.