Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving 2007 !

Okay, so the greeting is a little premature, but still...

All is quiet at our house (finally). Griff went down about 8, roused again at 9 and has been asleep since. Big Al and Dad played and watched the ballgame until God knows when while I made rolls for Tgiving dinner. The next thing I knew Jay was asking me questions about Project Runway and Allan was passed out. Then, for a blissful hour, rolls baked, filling the house with the smell of yeast and we watched PR. It doesn't get much better than that.

Dad has retired upstairs while I wait for the rolls to cool and drink SleepyTime tea while listening to the rain hit the windows. It is supposed to dip in to the 40's and stay there. It was nearly 70 this afternoon.

I need to make Jay do his own blog entry tomorrow, but I have been trying to reflect on what I am thankful for.

Baby boys who are no longer babies.
Big Al who can now pull himself up and walk around furniture. (And who wants to.)
For the fact that we are able to sleep through most nights. For the fact that even when we don't sleep through, it isn't because of some medical crisis.
Big Al who can now spend most of the day time at least off of his oxygen.
For Griffith who has the best, tightest blonde curls.
For Allan who had the best mullet of any kid in the U.S.
For Bailey who has "white hair" like Griffith. And who can put him in time out because she is at least an inch taller than he is.
For our snug house with bright lively colors every where.
That we have amazing, perfect boys who are completely and totally distinct.
That when we look at Griffith and Allan, we see ourselves and our brothers and sister and parents.
That Griff has the world's most infectious giggle.
That Allan has very nearly as silly a giggle as his brother.
That Griffith has such a perfect bottom and legs. Even if they are a little on the short side (his Dad's are too and it doesn't seem to have slowed him down at all.)
That Allan has such impossibly long eyelashes.
That our boys are such happy little guys.
That we have so many good friends and family who have made it possible for us to be where we are today.
Happy Thanksgiving!