Thursday, December 20, 2007

Little monkey

We have the tree up on a table and the ornaments up above Griffith's reach. He really hasn't bothered it all that much. So last night I brought in groceries and set about making dinner. I tossed the diaper box and the wrapping paper in to the dining room to get them out of my way. Griff was examining them, but what harm could he do? I turn around to see our pride and joy trying to stand on the paper to reach up in to the tree. It wasn't quite enough of a boost, though, so he re-thought it and tried to stand on the diaper box. Better idea, in theory, but it slipped away from him. Undaunted, Griffith then realized that if he took the wrapping paper and swatted at the tree he could reach the ornaments. Well done. It was very much like watching a National Geographic special about monkeys learning to use tools.