Sunday, December 16, 2007

No new pictures. We have taken dozens, but were trying to get a good one for the Christmas photo. The final product has been cropped, red-eye-removed, uploaded, downloaded and, God-willing, printed at the local Walgreens. Available for pick-up at 12:28 a.m. should I be so inclined. I am not. Still and all we are not going to post any photos from the weekend shoots until after the cards have been posted and sent. We are far closer to ready than I thought we were going to be. I kept joking that we were going to have to send MLK cards if we didn't make some progress.

We took Allan back to the ophthalmologist on Friday afternoon. His iris seems to be getting a little larger and a little misshapen. The clinic is absolutely the most disorganized place I have ever seen. We have had the 8, the 10, the 1 and the (last) 3:30 appt on different occasions. No matter. The wait is always interminable. Our appointment was at 3:30. At 4:50, after having checked a couple of times to make sure that we hadn't been forgotten, I was informed that the Dr. had 3 people to see before Allan. Ummmm. No. That really, really isn't going to work. We have to get home to relieve Flora. Plus, you see, we had a THREE THIRTY appointment. And, while I understand that there are other people here, I DO NOT CARE. In fact, I am very nearly explosive with not caring. The part that KILLS me is that the Dr always comments on how Allan is always asleep when she sees him. Yes. That would be because he is utterly exhausted and bored. Better that he sleep than climb the walls and squawl which is what his brother would be doing. And his mother. We got bumped up on the "will see" list and were out by about 5:10. No worries about the eye is essentially what we got. Looks good. No scar tissue. All is well. Thanks. That's all I needed.

Rather than fight the good fight, we ordered delivery Italian. Actually Nicole ordered it for us. She and Matt came over and we had a fun, busy night. Griff thought Matt was hysterical because Matt would let Griff put nearly any toy in his mouth. Enormous fun. Of course, Griff decided that he wouldn't go to sleep. After baths, I was rocking him to sleep, but all I managed was to get him in to a stupor. Any time I put him down, he woke up and howled. This went on for AN HOUR. It never takes an hour for him to go to bed. I swear he knew he was missing something and couldn't bear it. Brat. Finally got him down and had dessert (pear tartlet!) and grown up chat until a reasonable hour. Almost like being grown-ups.

Saturday the weather was foul. Cold and rainy and gloomy. Our stated goal for the day was to get the boys' picture taken for the Christmas card and that did not happen at all. After every one getting up and having breakfast, Dad headed out for some shopping. Four hours later he returned, a beaten man. I have no idea why he thought shopping on a Saturday 2 weeks before Christmas would be any thing other than a misery, but I suppose he is the eternal optimist. Once he got settled in to watch the game, I headed upstairs for a nap. Glad I missed the game is all I can say. Just wait until baseball season ????

By the time the game was over, Dad was ready for a nap and so we switched out. Griff was completely off his schedule and fell asleep late, late, late.

Miss Miranda came (Griff was delighted to see her) and Mom and Dad headed out for Markus and Hannah's for a grown up dinner. Poor Miranda. Allan went to bed like a little doll but Griff, energized by his late nap, didn't go down until nearly 11. She really earned her money. At about 4, Allan howled. He was sleeping in a pool of formula because his tube had gotten disconnected. While Dad was dealing with that, Griff woke up so I relocated to the couch with him. The next thing I know it is 9:30 (no typo). The weather was still foul so that it wasn't all that light and there wasn't that much traffic. Fabulous.

Dad made brunch and we had a lazy day all the way around. Griff was still in his p.j.'s at 5 tonight. The late start got every one off schedule so we couldn't get pictures taken -- someone was always asleep, irritated or filthy. Finally, about 5:30, the boys were fed and fairly content. We gave them an early bath and got out the camera and got some good shots. And it only took 48 hours and two adults to accomplish it. Perfect.

At any rate, both boys are now down. The house is tidy, if not "clean." With any luck, the Christmas cards will be ready tomorrow morning when I go to work and we can get them mailed within the next couple of days. Vegetable soup and bourbon brownies are made and the house smells delightful.

Life is pretty good.

Sweet dreams.