Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday !!!

With only a few moments left of the boys' second birthday, we could not be any happier or prouder of Allan and Griffith. They are so different and still both manage to be completely perfect. And infuriating. Just when you think you are going to pull your hair out or shake one of them until their teeth rattle, they will do something completely ridiculous or sweet or, worse yet, recognizable as something YOU do.

Two years ago we couldn't have imagined where we are today or what it would take to get here. That is probably just as well. Whatever mistakes or misjudgments we have made or will make are made with the very best of intentions. God knows that Allan and Griffith could not be any better loved. We are extraordinarily fortunate to have been allowed to have such beautiful, challenging and unpredictable little souls to learn from and teach. They are a gift.