Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A few more new pictures....

We are getting close to getting caught up. I still have some of the visit from KK that I need to post, but these should satisfy any cravings you have for pictures of the boys.

Griffith has really taken to the new playset. He climbs the ladder all by himself and slides down the slide -- although he is a little hesitant about it. He tends to hang on to the sides and try to slow his progress. He has decided that going down on his belly is safer. As soon as he gets to the bottom he wipes the wood chips off of his feet and then stands up and claps for himself. He also likes the tunnel. Specifically he likes crawling in it and waiting for us to yell, "Griffith, where are you ??? Do you see Griffith ?? Where is he?" He giggles and then either sticks his hand out or sticks his head out just far enough for you to be able to see the top of his curly little head. This went on for about a half hour last night.

Allan, on the other hand, does not like the playset. Not one little bit. The entire thing seems dangerous to him and he can not understand why we would imperil him in that manner. He doesn't want to swing and God Forbid that we put him on the slide. He seems content enough to let Griffith do it. I don't know whether he thinks that Griff is safe or if he is just waiting for him to hurt himself. I think once Allan is a little more stable with his walking, etc., he'll be right in the middle of things. Like with everything else, you don't get anywhere pushing Allan. He simply refuses to cooperate. It is like pushing string.