Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tuesday afternoon - June 13th

I got to the hospital to find that they had just extubated Griffith not long before I arrived. Unfortunately, by the time I left, they were having to put him back on the vent. It wasn't his lungs (his X-rays look "great") and it wasn't his nose. It is just that he hates the Cpap so very much that he gets completly furious and can't settle down. He wiggles and twists and throws his arms around and cries, cries, cries. He worked himself up so much that he pooped and threw up. So, back on the vent he goes for a while longer. I don't know what the plan is -- try him on the Cpap again in a few days or try him on the nasal cannula to see if he can make it with that. It is very disappointing, but we know that he'll do it one way or another and sooner rather than later.
Allan didn't get much attention since brother was causing such an uproar, but he had a "great" chest x-ray, too, and they are working on weaning him down on the vent. He has Alissa again today and she's a big favorite. He'd spent a fair amount of time grinning at her this morning. So much so that he was too worn out to even look at Mom. I've said it before, but -- ingrate.