Friday, August 04, 2006

Ready, steady....

go? So far we are still on time for a Monday departure for Griffith. As long as he continues to behave, he should get his walking papers. He's been off of his oxygen for about a week and so we are in the very fortunate position of going home without oxygen and without a monitor. Griffith will be fully mobile so long as someone is around to tote him. To that end, I am going to Babies R Us this weekend to pick out a harness/sling/kangaroo thing-a-ma-bob so that I can 1) satisfy his desire to be held and to be in the middle of things and 2) actually get some stuff done. And I am not making it up about how demanding the little turkey is. This morning Cheryl was feeding another baby and Griffith got all riled up (an hour before his breakfast was due) and was squawling and became increasingly outraged until she got someone to go and make sure that he wasn't dirty or something. As soon as the nurse picked him up, he stopped crying. She said he was going to have to learn to take turns. He has - he takes his turn first.
Sweet Allan, on the other hand, is the world's most contented child. He watches his mobile, listens to his tape, checks himself out in the mirror and eats, poops and pees. Occasionally he naps. He likes to be held and is very cuddly but he isn't prepared to expend a lot of energy in to getting you over there to pick him up. Today they went back to alternating between the nasal cannula and the c-pap -- 6 hours on one and then the other. Since he was on the nasal cannula at lunch today, he was able to bottle-feed and he sucked the whole thing down in record time.
I will try to take some updated photos of the boys together. It is a shame that they just now got to cobed and Griffith is going to take off, but at least they will be familiar with the process when Allan comes home.