Thursday, October 19, 2006

Home again, home again...

We made it back home at about 6 p.m. today. Allan is doing just fine -- he spent most of the day at the hospital but this is his shortest stay by far. No true explanation for why his heart rate did what it did -- they dosed him with Tylenol last night and it seemed to help until early this a.m. when he did it again. The best guess is that he was feverish from the vaccines which can make your heart rate go up. On top of that we added the eye drops, the side effect of which can be making your heart rate go up, etc. At any rate, that seems to be under control. With respect to his eye issue, we are still largely in the dark. We had yet another opthalmologist checking him out today and the chair of the department is going to look at it tomorrow. The best guess is that it is an atypical presentation of delayed ROP. Yes, that would be our son -- Allan the Atypical. The drops we are using seem to be helping some. The pressure in his eye has been reduced back to normal which is good. The drops to expand the pupil seem to be helping, too. The retinal specialist who looked at him today doesn't think that his is a problem requiring surgical interventation and that they may be able to do some cryo/freezing procedure that will take care of the overgrowth of blood vessels. At any rate, the docs are going to caucus tomorrow and come up with some proposal. Still, Allan's eye looks better and he seems to be quite comfortable.
More tomorrow when we know something.