Saturday, October 21, 2006

We've had a couple of busy days. To take it in order, we got home Thursday night about 6:30 or so but had to be back for the chair of the ophthamology department to take a look at Allan's eye Friday morning. He did and apparently all of the ophthamologists who had looked at him over the past 3 days did as well. We had 3 kinds of drops that we had been using and one, the other or a combination of the 3 had had an effect and they could actually get a look at the back of his eye. This allowed them to rule out ROP. What it didn't allow them to do was figure out what was wrong with it. What else do you expect from Allan? The eye is inflamed (although less), the pressure was up (although some of the drops had reduced that) and there is "bombaying" or a lump on his eye. In addition, either his cataract has grown or has been displaced by the inflammation or pressure or both. For now, we are going to continue treating the symptoms since he does seem to be getting better and keep our fingers crossed. Every one was going to go home and think big thoughts and try to come up with a theory about what this is. They've also emailed photos and descriptions to some colleagues (friends, neighbors, a guy I once heard of who knew something about eyes....) We go back Monday first thing for another exam and more head-scratching. We'll let you know.