Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A mixed bag

Today has been a mixed bag. First, Griff went to NICU Graduate Clinic at 9. He did great. In fact, he is a little show off. Among other things, they were checking to see how he was developing. With the exception of a little need to focus on his shoulder and chest strength, he was a little rock star. He is a whopping 21.75 inches long and weighs in at 9 pounds and 11 ounces. He isn't the biggest kid on the block, but he is gaining ground and is quite impressive. He tracks or follows objects, he can keep his head even with his body when pulled up and he has good balance when sitting up (with assistance). Although I thought he was going to become infuriated with the physical exam, he thought it was a lot of fun and laughed out loud at some of the nurse practitioner's antics. Flora was quite jealous. Griff also got his 6 month vaccines and has been a doll baby ever since. Which is a good thing. Now for the mixed part...
Allan doesn't have pink eye or anything else nearly as innocuous. The working theory is that he has the delayed onset of ROP which is a condition preemies have where they develop vascular abnormalities in their eyes. It is rare (like buy an effing lottery ticket) rare that someone as old as Allan would develop it, but, there you (may) have it. We got a go directly to the opthalmologist card when we turned up at the pediatrician's today. Saw everyone who was in the office this afternoon, have drops to put in poor Big Al's eyes. The condition of his eyes is such that they can't tell for sure what is going on, but it seems that blood vessels are suddenly growing where they shouldn't in one eye. The pressure in that eye is high (think glaucoma) and we are using three different drops to try to reduce pressure and inflammation so that they can get a better view of what's going on. He weighed in at 11 pounds 15 ounces and 22 inches long. He hasn't had a good night -- his heart rate was too high and he was running a temp. This may all be due to the vaccines today, but we couldn't take the risk and Dad is doing the emergency run even as I type. With any luck he will be discharged tomorrow, but they aren't going to play around with someone as small and fragile as he is.
Anyway, say a prayer that this eye thing amounts to a mountain out of a molehill and I will try to blog early tomorrow afternoon.