Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Last night

Griffith is currently in full melt-down mode. Dad declared that he (Griffith, not Jay) was hungry and started fixing cereal. Generously (and foolishly) I offered to hold him and Jay gladly passed him over to me. The kid clearly, unmistakably, inarguably had a full, dirty, nasty diaper. I refuse to be held responsible. The rule is that if you are holding the baby when he poops, it is yours to deal with, but there has to be an exception for willful blindness. (Or willful whatever you call it when you pretend that you can't smell. )
Flora had an appointment today so I was on Momma duty all day. We started early with Allan who spit up at 6:30 with a loud GAK. Up through his nose, out his mouth, the whole nine yards. And mad. Absolutely furious. Not sure what happened but certain that it was someone else's fault. (He's a lot like his brother that way.) Despite our best efforts, Allan wailed so much and for so long that he woke up Griff. Great. Some days they sleep until after 9, but the day I'm supposed to be home, we have to start at 6:30. Super. As Jay sailed out for work at 7:15, I thought for sure that I was sunk. Unexpectedly, though, they both fell back asleep and I did, too. We didn't get up until nearly 9:30. Then everyone ate breakfast, got cleaned up, got dressed and headed out for a long walk - like an hour and a half long. Although Flora would have disapproved, it was in the 50's and sunny. How could we stay in? By the time we got back, our friend Jennifer came over having escaped The Mall and bearing Thai food. In the moments before her arrival, sweet, peaceful Allan decided that he was very mistreated (I laid him down to change Griffith) and threw an absolute fit to protest the situation. She probably has social services on speed dial.
At about 4, Griffith decided that he could bear it no longer. He was exhausted, but refused to fall asleep (this is his pattern of late). He did everything but stand on his head. He kicked, he howled, he turned red and cried real tears. There was no consoling him. Finally, I plunked him and his brother back in the stroller and we headed out for another walk. When it started to get dark, we headed for home. Allan was awake but Griff was slumped over in the stroller and, instead of rousing the dragon, I left him in the stroller in the dining room and Allan and I played in the living room and made fun of him. Griff's neck should be killing him because he slept slumped over until nearly 6:30 by which time Dad was home and we had a one-on-one situation.
Dad had Christmas gifts hidden and just couldn't stand it and had to go get Griff's tummy time surfboard. Apparently this means that it doesn't count against the budget. Somehow. The government works on that same accounting system.