Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Claus is coming.....

It has been a full week in our household. Daddy brought in a tree on Sunday (and, apparently a whole slew of mosquitos with it.) We managed to get lights on it by Tuesday. It took us until last night (early this a.m. actually) to finally get the ornaments on. It really doesn't sound like decorating the tree should take a full week. It isn't the tree at Rockefeller Center, after all, but that's what it took just the same.
Allan had an eye check up yesterday. He seems to be doing very well with that. They still can't tell any thing much about what he can and can not see with it, but from a gross anatomical standpoint, it looks good. He also had an appointment with his buddy, Dr. Kanga (pulmonologist) who was well-pleased to see him. He thinks he is doing very well and we are starting to cut back on some of his medications. We are to try to wean him down and off the diuretics, etc., and then we will work on getting him off of the oxygen. We are looking at the spring before that happens, though. They did height and weight on him and he is 13 pounds 9 ounces and 23.25 inches long. Quite the big boy. We don't have a weight on Griffith at the moment, but it is close to 13.5 pounds. He is about 26 inches long though, so he doesn't look as round as Allan.
We are just planning on a quiet Christmas at home (sort of quiet any way -- Jennifer and Eric have already committed the sin of giving the boys some toy that plays songs. Karma will get them.) We will try to get some good pictures of the boys and their gifts -- provided that Santa comes and leaves something other than switches and coal.