Friday, October 12, 2007

Allan strikes back....

Well, Griffith has been flinging Allan to the floor with a fair degree of regularity of late, despite the no-no's, time outs and attempts to intervene. There really is no question that he intends for him to hit the ground. Griffith literally grabs Allan by the arm or by the back of his shirt and pulls or pushes him down. "Bonk" goes Allan. And then he howls.
(As a side note, it isn't that Allan can't withstand the bonk. Just last night Allan was sitting in the living room floor playing with the ball and it got away from him. In his effort to get in to crawling position and get to the ball, Allan toppled over and hit his head. Hard. And he didn't cry at all. He just laid there with a look on his face like, well THAT wasn't what I was going for.)

Anyway, the boys were playing on the floor this morning and Jay and I were in the kitchen when we heard a "bonk" followed by a howl. We turned expecting to see the usual -- Allan splayed out, howling, Griffith, scampering away, looking guilty. Imagine our surprise to see Griffith over on his back, crying, and Allan sitting there looking innocent. Now we didn't see it happen, but based on the relative positions of the boys and the fact that Griffith doesn't just fall over these days, we are pretty sure that Allan managed to tip him. I guess we should have put Allan in time out, too, but we both had the same reaction and said, in unison, "Well done!"