Thursday, October 11, 2007

Whose kid is this anyway?

Griffith was in "time out" 3 times before 8:30 this morning. Mind you, he didn't get up until 7 and was pretty warm and snuggly for about the first 45 minutes that he was up. After that, it was on. I don't know what got in to him, but he KEPT grabbing Allan flinging him, a la WrestleMania, to the floor. Hard. With me yelling "no! no!" and running to try to intervene. And as soon as Allan hits the floor (hard - did I mention that part?), Griffith high-tails it in the opposite direction. So he knows he's doing something wrong. After his two minutes in time-out, I make him come over and pat his brother (gently) and try to get him to say sorry (fat chance of that). Brat.