Thursday, October 11, 2007

More new posts tomorrow

I must have taken two dozen pictures tonight. On top of the past couple of days, that's quite a lot.
I set eleven as the time to stop, but have gone over by a bit.

The boys are really most excellent little guys. Tonight was my night 'out' for yoga and sushi, but since Aunt Lee was out of town and Aunt Diane had a sick kid, the night out was over by 7:30, if you include the trip to the drugstore. How things have changed.

Anyhoodle, the boys were full of it when I got home. They were in that lull between dinner and bath. Griff was off in a hundred directions doing whatever-he-pleased so I picked up Allan, intending to hold him on my lap and bond while I had some taco soup. Allan wasn't in my lap two minutes before Griff (who hadn't paid a bit of attention to me in the 10 minutes I had been home) had to be in my lap, too. Daddy missed some of the best shots of Allan trying to push Griff out of my lap. (You read it right -- Allan was pushing Griff. Turn about is fair play, after all.) I had to switch the guys around so that they couldn't shove each other off. Everyone was in a very giggly mood which made for lots of fun.

Anyway, more pictures later. Time for bed now.