Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forever and a day....

It has been a long time since I've blogged this late at night. Used to be that someone was going to be awake by midnight or would need meds or something so I might as well be up and blogging as anything else. Things have certainly changed. We don't make it through the entire night without interruption but the interruptions are fewer and farther between. And they are generally less labor-intensive than they used to be.

Jay and I got a night out tonight and had a real grown-up dinner at a real grown-up restaurant. Loads of fun. And we were home by 10. Big Al was already in his crib. Griff was still ripping and racing around, but went to sleep almost as quickly as Da did.

We haven't had much narrative these days. With the good weather the boys have been out almost every night until bath time. By the time they are down, Jay and I are ready to get in bed, too.

Griff is mimicking everything you say these days -- English or Spanish. He says "how 'bout ???" quite a lot. We open the refrigerator door to decide what we are having for dinner and he say "how ' bout???" Ditto when it is time to get dressed in the morning.

Griff has also taken to saying "Jude !!!! when Allan does something wrong or irritating. Makes me laugh. I'm pretty sure he thinks that "Jude" means something akin to "bad boy!"

Allan is doing great with the standing independently. So long as he doesn't realize that he is doing it. The minute he catches on that he is standing, he squats down. He's such a brat.

On Saturday Jay went off for a little free time and the boys and I ran to the Farmer's Market. We had a great time -- there were musicians, a hula-hoop girl and lots and lots of dogs. Most of the dogs were incredibly friendly and both of the boys enjoyed petting them. Then we ran to the hair salon and got Allan's hair trimmed -- around the back and in the front. Jay is completely unimpressed. Onkle Markus's only comment: I hope you didn't pay too much for it! (Are you German or Scottish, Onkle Markus ?) (In my defense, the girls at the salon assured me that the boys both looked very stylish. Clearly what I was going for.....)

Sunday Miss A and her parents came over to grill out. Miss A is an older woman (three) and Griff seemed quite smitten, if a little tongue-tied. Allan hardly knew what to make of the whole situation, but managed to put himself front and center.

Battery going out on laptop. More blogging tomorrow.