Friday, May 30, 2008

Imagination Station

The boys are both learning how to use their imaginations. We have Fischer-Price Little People (not like the ones I used to have -- we have a rainbow of ethnicities and they are very nearly all androgynous). Last week I started putting one of the little men in a car and Griff pulled him out. For whatever reason I grabbed the Little Person and pointed and said, "no, no, little man -- on your bottom!" Well, I could not have said any thing funnier as far as the boys were concerned. We spent the next 45 minutes with them pulling Little Man out of his car seat, fussing at him and putting him back. Griff is especially good with the Fickle Finger of Destruction (No! No!). Allan is mostly content to giggle and put Little Man back in his seat.

We have even progressed so far as to have Little Man in time out for his misbehavior. It is always nice to have someone lower on the totem pole than you.....