Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Another day older

Another big day all around. Allan is having a hearing test. Don't ask me how they test hearing in a baby (raise your hand if you hear a sound?), but that's what they are doing apparently. He is feeling better since his vaccinations and has eaten some from the bottle since then. Honestly, I think that the poor little fellow just doesn't have the strength yet to eat from the bottle every time. Some times it is just easier to let someone else do it.
Griffith continues his streak of sleeping through his walks. We went this morning since I thought he might be a little more alert then. No dice. It was loud and bright outside and we were bumping along rough sidewalk (the umbrella stroller has no shocks on it), but it didn't matter. He didn't stir for the hour that we walked. We did go out on the back deck after lunch because he was so wide awake and he seemed to think that was pretty cool. He was especially interested in the sunlight/shadows made by the light through the leaves. We go back to the pediatrician tomorrow to get his 4 month shots and to check on how he is growing. I don't know about the rest of him but his fingernails have gotten quite long and he has scratched himself twice on the face. I am hesitant to trim them but he's going to turn in to Howard Hughes if I don't. This is definitely a project to be tackled while he is asleep.