Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Poor Allan got his 4 month vaccines yesterday and felt puny all night long. There had been some talk of using "tough love" to try to get him to start taking the bottle regularly, but no one had the heart to start that with him feeling poorly. So he had another pretty good day. He's a big boy these days -- 8 pounds 4 ounces. I took in his bouncey seat tonight. He may well decide that now is the time to take an interest in the outside world just like his brother.
Griffith seems to be adapting to life on the outside. He kept his dad up from a little before three until about 4 or so. The middle of the night continues to be his happy time. Not so much for Jay. He should sleep well tonight because we had a pretty busy day. In addition to his customary supervision of my cleaning of bottles, loading of dishwasher, doing and folding of laundry, Griffith and I took a walk in his baby blue umbrella stroller. He's as cute as a button and made even more so by the fact that I have to pile up receiving blankets in the bottom of the stroller to keep him from sliding out of it. Once again I was excited about how interesting he would fine the great out of doors. Once again he fell asleep immediately and didn't see any thing other than the inside of his eyelids. He sat in the stroller and watched as I did some gardening. Then we came in and took a bath and did our stretching exercises. Then, in order to make sure that he is well-rounded, we watched part of The Sting. This is designed to balance out The Gilmore Girls and Project Runway. We may start watching Sportscenter in the mornings just to get our fill of testosterone.