Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thursday August 17th

Sweet baby Griffith had a follow-up visit with the pediatrician. He is gaining weight -- 5 pounds 6.5 ounces today. That was the good news. The bad news is that he had to get vaccinated -- 3 shots in his little, bitty thighs. He was absolutely furious at the ugly turn that events took and has yet another nurse to add to his list of people who will receive their comeuppance some day. Fortunately for her there are a lot of folks on the list ahead of her. He's done pretty well with it. We dosed him with Tylenol before and after and he has slept most of the day. Gathering strength for being up all night unless I miss my guess.
They continue to pester poor Allan. And then complain because he is too worn out to eat. Honestly, it is enough to make me want to scream. So far we have had a barium swallow, vaccines (3), hearing tests (3), an IV stick, an eye exam and an MRI. I'm not entirely sure when he is supposed to be gathering his strength but it seems to me that that's all a bit much. The only silver lining that I can identify is that after all of this there really isn't any reason to continue to bother my son. So maybe he'll get a few days to rest, recuperate and reconsider bottle-feeding.