Monday, August 14, 2006

Happy birthday, boys!

Sorry for the late post. Things have been a little hectic around here. (Don't laugh! Griffith requires an amount of attention that is completely out of proportion to his size.) He had a good weekend. Since this was the end of Grandma and Grampy's trip, there was quite a lot of holding and picture-taking going on. We had our first trip in the big double stroller on Saturday afternoon. I would like to say that he was very impressed with the trip around the neighborhood, but he mostly slept. A feat he repeated when I took him for his second walk this afternoon. The down side is that he really doesn't seem to be taking advantage of the lovely expensive stroller. The up side is that we know what to do when he won't quit crying. He's working really hard to get his fingers in his mouth and I am looking forward to the day that he does because that will totally solve the middle of the night search for the lost pacifier. (Okay, maybe not, but a girl has to dream.)
Allan is still hit-or-miss on the bottle-feedings and there really doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to why he will suck it dry one time and then refuse to do it the next. They did a barium swallow on him today to see if he has reflux that may be causing him difficulty eating but it doesn't look like that is the source of the problem. If he doesn't have any physical impediment to eating, then it looks like they are going to do a little "tough love" and let him get hungry and see if that won't pique his interest in the bottles. I hate to think of it, but it may be the way to get him to step up to the plate.
Today after a nice visit with both boys (who are four months old today!), Grandma and Grampy have headed off for home. It has been really nice to have extra hands for holding babies, but it is going to take me weeks to straighten the boys out (parking lot NOT car park! Momma NOT Mum!) but I have high hopes that I am up to the task.