Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday afternoon report

The boys were doing fine when I went to see them at lunch. Griffith was sleeping and had been most of the morning. I think he is completely worn out from his little episode this morning. The docs are putting him on Neosynephrine for the inflammation in his nasal passages (no joke - it is Afrin.) They are also getting smaller tubes for the Cpap. They are going to give him a little time to heal up his nose and then take him off the vent again. Third time is a charm.....we hope.
Allan was a real sweety at lunch. He was WIDE AWAKE and looking all around at every thing. It really is funny to turn on the tapes and watch him try to figure out where the sound is coming from. (It reminds me of The Muppet Show Animal Hospital skits where Rolf, Piggy and that other nurse (Janet?) all wheel around and try to see where the voice over is coming from.) We have to get him caught up with Griffith before taking him off the vent. He was a little puny from the yeast infection and still has to pick up a little more steam.
Anyway, we hope that we've had all the excitement that we are due for this weekend and that every one behaves for a couple of days.