Friday, June 09, 2006

Two steps back?

In our continuing line of Fridays that suck, Griffith ended up back on the ventilator this morning. He was fine all day yesterday and most of last night, but at 4 started having some trouble. As it turns out his nasal passages swelled up and so he wasn't able to breath through his nose. (Don't they have something akin to Afrin in that freakin' hospital?) He was having to work extremely hard and was getting pretty worn out so he was reintubated. He's doing fine now -- just very tired. They will probably give him a couple of days to recover his strength and take him off again. The good news is that his lungs were great and he was breathing like a rock star up until he wasn't.
Allan got to come out and play with Mom last night for over an hour. We hung out and caught up on things -- he was a little jealous of all the attention that Griffith was getting for extubating himself, but may be that will just encourage him to get off the vent, too.