Monday, June 05, 2006

the weekend review

The boys had a good weekend. They didn't misbehave (or not much) and we are hoping this streak continues.
Allan is a whopping 3 pounds 12 ounces as of last night. His brother was holding steady at 3 pounds 10 ounces and a bit. The doctors had changed Griffith's feedings and it didn't agree with his delicate digestive system -- he was farting and burping audibly. Kind of disconcerting, really -- the sound was disproportionate to his size. I'm glad that Allan wasn't nearby. I'm sure that would have spurred some sort of contest and we don't want to have them engaging in that sort of behavior just yet. Enough time for that later.
Griffith had an especially good weekend. I got to hold him for nearly an hour and a half yesterday morning. He racked out on my chest and slept the whole time. I'm afraid that when we go home that's all I'll get accomplished. These boys may never learn to walk. Their feet will never touch the ground. Griffith was really wide awake last night and spent a lot of time hanging out with his dad. He is working really hard on "scanning" -- trying to focus on your face when you talk to him. He squints and frowns a lot when he's doing it. Either that or he's really skeptical of what his father is saying. (A little from column A, a little from column B......)
Allan was more laid back this weekend. His dad got to hold him for a little while, but Allan got to acting up and had to be grounded. He's really liking his Aunt Kathy's tape, though. He smiles a lot when she sings.