Monday, June 05, 2006

june 5th - monday aftrenoon

The boys had a good morning. Allan was awake on-and-off while I was there, but Griffith slept the whole time.
I realized at the hospital that I am a terrible mother -- I misreported the boys' weights in my earlier post. Griffith is 3 pounds 12 oz. Allan is 3 pounds 10 oz. Still Allan is more of a pudge than his brother. Nurse Jennifer is completely charmed by his elbows -- they have little dimples in them (they are pretty sweet.) In other news, Allan now has nipples. (He was so early that he didn't have them to begin with.) They are teeny-tiny and I don't think they were there yesterday, but they are there now. I didn't get a chance to examine Griffith -- he was all wrapped up and asleep, but I'll be checking him pretty closely tonight.