Monday, March 31, 2008

Yuck! Mess!

The weekend was a little long since we are still trying to get over the flu. Allan has done pretty well. He's back on the oxygen and a little tired, but he doesn't seem to have had it as bad as Griffith. I guess we got him on the Tamiflu in the knick of time.

Griff seemed to be doing better until yesterday when he decided to add vomiting to the mix.
Allan was asleep on one end of the couch. I had laid Griffith down on the other end and was beside him when I heard an ominous burbling. I grabbed him, but not in time. He puked all down the couch cushions, all over me, all over himself, on the blanket, on the floor. Who knew a little fellow could hold so much? After he finished, he looked at us both and said, "yuck! Mess!" Amen. Only later did I realize that he had also somehow managed to throw up on his brother -- a distance of 2-3 feet. That was pretty much the way the whole day went. Griff clearly wasn't himself and wouldn't eat or drink anything. Whenever he did, he threw up. We spent a pretty restless night again last night and headed to the doc's this morning -- double ear infection. Great. Another medicine to try to pour down him. He's gotten really good at fighting, pretending to swallow and then spitting. Why on earth do they put coloring in children's medications? It doesn't make it any more appealing to them and I really don't need red, purple and orange stains all over everything. Dye-free please.