Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fun and sweet

Our boys are both in equal measure. I was trying to get dinner ready the other night and the boys were both in the kitchen floor with me. All of a sudden I hear Allan cry out (hi-ya!) and turn to watch him dive over and grab his brother. Completely unprovoked. Just doing it because he could. Griffith took it all in stride and even laid down and rolled around so that Allan could "get him" some more.

Griffith was positively DeLighted that Allan figured out how to climb up on the dishwasher door. It had never occurred to Griff to do such a thing. You could almost see the light bulb over Griff's head as he gave it a try, too. This may be the best thing than Allan has come up with yet but the sneezing stuff out the nose is really, really close.