Tuesday, April 01, 2008

the plague

We are still laboring to get over our various illnesses. Allan had to get a vaccine against RSV yesterday and that, combined with his general malaise, resulted in his throwing up twice yesterday and falling asleep at 6:45. He didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning and he was none to happy about it then. Jay reported that he was a little peppier at lunch so we hope that's all behind us.

Griff seems to be feeling better. Except for the twice per day wrestling matches that we have for medications. Lord, he is strong! And he fights like a wildcat! I feel terrible, but one person holds him (arms wrapped around his, legs holding his down) while the other tries to hold his head still as he shakes it furiously. Then, once you manage to squeeze some of it in, he goes full-tilt in trying to spit it back out. Jay has tried sneaking it in his bottle, but Griff is too sly for that and refuses to drink (all done! he says). My technique is a little more like water-boarding (and it is torture for us all): tilt back the head, squirt the gunk down the hatch, try to close the jaw and wait for the swallow or squeeze the nose to force him to suck it down. If any one has a better solution, we are all ears.

Kids are a lot of trouble.