Thursday, April 03, 2008

On the mend, sorta

Griffith is much improved today. Still not quite himself, but brighter-eyed and bushier-tailed than he has been in a while. He slept all night in his own bed for the first time in over a week. He was up at six with his Da, but back to sleep within a half-hour or so and stayed that way until nearly 10. He still has a cough, but it really isn't as frequent as it was. Still fighting his medicine but since we are down to one kind twice a day instead of three twice a day it doesn't seem quite so bad.

Allan is improved as well. He also slept all night. Up a little before eight, but not at all excited about it. He did enjoy all the one-on-one time with Jesana, though.

Mom discovered (rediscovered in some cases) some things that may have helped with the more restful night. One is Vicks salve. As my friend Diane observed, it is a good thing that they have never identified a carcinogenic connection with Vicks because our moms used it liberally in our youth. On our backs, chests, necks. In humidifiers. I found a hot mist vaporizer at Walgreens with a well for Vicks syrup and we have had that thing in full-force since. And they now have Baby Rub with is Vicks but not quite so full-force. It also has rosemary and peppermint scent. I have slathered it on them and me. Whatever it takes.

I have also succumbed to the crud. Coughing up a lung and sounding like a pack-a-day-smoker at the moment. Jay seems to be bringing up the rear on this which means he should hit rock bottom tonight or tomorrow. We hope that, after that, we will all be on the upswing.