Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday afternoon June 30th

The boys both had eye exams today and both did fine. Well, sort of fine. Neither of them like it very well and they both apparently threw a fit. Allan got so mad that he threw up on them. Well done. I've been saying all along that he has hidden depths of fiestiness. It just takes the right provocation to get him going. Alissa said something that didn't suit him today when we were changing him and he stuck his lower lip out and cried. I swear it was just because she hurt his feelings. Poor little fellow. Looks like I've got a pouter. (Doesn't get that from MY side of the family. I'll take full responsibility for the temper, but not the pouting!)
Griffith did fine with his eye exam, too. He threw a temper tantrum, but every one expects that from him. Once they left him alone, he settled down and slept . He ate a good lunch, burped like a trucker and fell asleep snuggled up against my chin. It is going to be hard to put them down when they come home.