Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday afternoon -- June 26

The boys were great at lunch today. Allan had been a little sweetheart all morning. He woke up for a little while when I was changing him and we held hands for a few minutes. Tonight is my turn to hold him while Dad feeds Griffith so we'll get a little lovin' in later today.
Griffith had spent most of the morning sleeping. I got to feed him at lunch time and he did great. He did manage to spit up all over me (welcome to motherhood) but that was my fault (again, welcome to motherhood). I thought he was through burping because he had let a big one go, but there was more air down there and I must have pushed it out when I lowered him because he let a second grown-up sized burp fly and a stream of milk with it. We then had to discuss that that stuff didn't grow on trees and it was not to be spit out unnecessarily. We'll see if that helps.