Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday afternoon

Sorry for the late post -- I had to make a run to Babies R Us this morning. Did better this time. No hyperventilating about baby wipes.
The boys are doing very well today. Griffith seems to be getting over his stomach issues -- he's eating like a little rock star and pooing in a way that seems to satisfy the doctors. The threat of another barium enema apparently was all the encouragement he needed. We had a great time at lunch today and when I left he and Jenny were hanging out. Rumor has it that the two of them have been dancing in the NICU. No one on whether he's leading or not....
Allan is also having a very good day. They have gone down on his pressure and his O2 if he tolerates it, then they'll go down again in a few days and, with some luck, he may be on the nasal cannula next week. I sure so. I do like seeing his pretty little face.