Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday - excellent boys.

We still have two very excellent boys.
Allan who is sweet and thoughtful in addition to being terribly pretty slipped out somehow and made bourbon brownies for his nurse Sarah. I'm going to have to keep an eye on them. Apparently after I leave at night the two of them hang out "after hours." I'm pretty sure she is setting a precedent that I can't keep up. He was up to 4 pounds 14 ounces last night. We very nearly have a five pound baby! He is doing well weaning and we hope to have him on the cannula by early next week.
Griffith, also sweet, thoughtful and incredibly pretty, is doing well with his bottle feeding. He needs a little encouragement every once in a while and sometimes he gets so sleepy that he can hardly finish, but he works really hard at it. And burps like a full-grown man. Honestly, people have stopped in the hall outside the nursery to look and see who that was. I'm pretty sure that they think it is me. I have to confess that I don't know what he weighed. Dad was doing that while I was holding Allan (to make up for the photo neglect). If Jay told me what he weighed, then I forgot it. His nurse Cheryl has been gone for two weeks but is back today. We're pretty sure that she is going to be very impressed with all of his accomplishments. His nurses are also doing a pretty good job of spoiling him. This twenty-four hour per day constant doting is going to be hard to duplicate.