Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday July 31st

Had lunch with the boys. Griffith was doing great. He is up to 40 mls per bottle and not having any trouble sucking it down. The only problem that he has is getting me to hurry up with it. Honestly the child has no patience at all. I am going to have to get Dad to videotape one of these tantrums because it is going to embarass him to no end some day.
Allan wasn't having as good a day. He had "gained" about 6 ounces last night which puts him over the 7 pound mark, but it wasn't true weight -- it was mostly fluid. They just don't seem to be able to get a handle on it. They can't really tell whether it is just from the chronic lung disease (the damage caused by being born so prematurely and having to spend so long on the ventilator) or if there is something else at work. So they are doing a couple more tests today to try to rule out other potential causes. If it is the chronic lung disease, then he just has to outgrow it while they try to manage the fluid issues with meds. Despite the fact that he was breathing fast, Allan was very alert throughout lunch. He was lifting and turning his head (turtling), looking all around and checking out the scenery. He was also working his pacifier over pretty good when I left. He hasn't ever shown much interest in it (not like his brother) but, for whatever reason, he was all in to it today. He didn't get to bottle-feed at lunch because he was breathing so fast, but they've given him some Lasix and if that gets rid of some of the fluid then we may be on for it tonight.