Thursday, August 03, 2006

Homeward bound?

Well, we may have someone coming home on Monday. If we can get a few issues sorted out, Griffith may get to come home very soon. We aren't telling him since the last time we did, he misbehaved and required surgery. And there are any number of reasons why it might be delayed. For example, we still have to figure out why his poop is a very unusual shade of green (jade?) and make sure that he isn't going to overload on fluids since they've stopped his diuretic. And who knows what else he might come up with between now and then. All that having been said, it is looking like Monday. And not a moment too soon.
Allan is doing very well, too, but it will be several more weeks before he may be ready to come home. Despite the fact that he is by far larger than his brother (7 pounds 4 ounces v. 4 poiunds 13 ounces). he just has weaker lungs , was far sicker and is going to take longer to get home. We really hate it, but hope that it will only be for a short time. By the time he gets home we will have already figured out what we did wrong with Griffith and will have to find new ways to do it wrong with Allan.