Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wednesday August 2nd

My youngest son is spoiled beyond measure. I got to the NICU for lunch at 11:30. "Care time" is supposed to be at noon. Alissa was standing in the doorway of Nursery 9 holding Griffith who was ready to eat and had been making that quite clear for some time. She was trying to hold him off until I got there, but it was taking all that she had. After lunch, I put the boys in bed together and tried to get Allan to turn his head to look at his brother. Not only did he refuse to do it for me, but he kept his head turned all afternoon, preferring instead to look at himself in the mirror. Vanity, thy name is Allan. At least he and Griffith have that in common. They both like to look at themselves. Allan has now put on so much weight (he is over 7 pounds) that he has actually outgrown his preemie clothes. Griffith is already wearing his hand-me-downs. That will no doubt be cause for counseling later.