Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekend postscript

My clever boys have had their first sleepover. Griffith sneaked over and crashed with his brother for about 3 hours this afternoon. It was just like old times. Cheryl put them in together, they looked at each other for a few minutes and then Griffith, true to form, reached over and smacked Allan in the mouth. Brotherly love, indeed. I guess he just wanted to make sure that Allan recognized him. Really you have to kind of admire Griffith. As you can tell from the photos, Allan has him by quite a lot. A pound doesn't sound like that much until you realize that it is 20 percent of Griffith's total body weight. Other than that rocky moment, things went fine. Allan apparently was a little startled by the assault but didn't get too bent out of shape about it. They laid there for a while looking at each other, sucked on their pacifiers and listened to a tape and before too long they both drifted off to sleep. When I got there, they were snuggled up and looked as innocent as lambs.
While I was feeding Griffith, Grampy was holding Allan who was getting one of his breathing treatments. This consists of the respiratory tech holding a tube that spews out damp mist with medicine in it in front of Allan's nose. It isn't terrible but he doesn't care all that much for it and he closes his eyes, scrunches up his nose, and waves his hand to try to get the tech to leave. Some times he whines just a little. His brother was grinning from ear to ear while this was going on. Couldn't have pleased him any more if he were hitting him himself.